The first Public Hearing is for the Bishop application (# 22-3, SBL # 127.-2-27.30). Ms. Bishop is seeking a relief of 1 acre from the minimum lot size of 3 acres and 13 feet from the 200’ minimum frontage as required in the RD/A zone as per zoning section 8.40(4)a. The second Public Hearing is for the Cronce application (# 22-4, SBL # 175.2-1-4). Mr. Cronce is requesting a relief from Local Law 4 of 2021 section 7.2ii (b) to install a roof mounted solar system on a nonconforming preexisting structure located at 59 CR 401. The third Public Hearing is for the Winnie application (# 22-5, SBL # 176.-1-3.10 & 176.-1-20.1). The Winnies are seeking relief of 3.4 acres from the required minimum square footage for a two-family and multiple dwelling in the RD/A zone as per zoning code section 8.40(4)b located at 6656 SR 32. The Zoning Board may take action on any of the applications after the Public Hearings or may extend the Public Hearings until the regular meeting on November 28th.
933 County Route 401 • Westerlo, N.Y. 12193
Phone: (518) 797-3111
***Update 5/25***: At this time the Town has determined that there was no unauthorized access to the water supply. The advisory to not drink water has been lifted
Please be assured that your safety is our #1 concern.
Any further updates will be posted on the Town’s Facebook page, Town of Westerlo Government News, as well as on the website.