Community News

Albany County Soil and Water Conservation District is offering a free tire recycling event for Albany County residents. The event will take place during the week of Oct. 5th at the Albany County Dept. of Public Works located at 449 New Salem Rd in Voorheesville.

Registration is required and will be accepted no later than Sept. 25th. For more information and to register for the event, please contact 518-765-7923 or

Tires are limited to 25 per household. Only car and light truck tires will be accepted; no rims, cut or half tires, no motorcycle, ATV, tractor, loader or heavy equipment tires. Tires must be clean of debris, water, dirt and stones.

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***Update 5/25***: At this time the Town has determined that there was no unauthorized access to the water supply. The advisory to not drink water has been lifted

Please be assured that your safety is our #1 concern.

Any further updates will be posted on the Town’s Facebook page, Town of Westerlo Government News, as well as on the website.