Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Westerlo will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 28, 2020 starting at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall located at 933 County Route 401, Westerlo, NY.  The meeting is open to public attendance in accordance with CDC guidelines. Zoom information for the meeting can be found on the Town of Westerlo website:

The application is for Amos Hallenbeck, 426 County Route 1, Westerlo, NY 12193. Tax map #127.-2-14.3. Applicant is requesting an area variance to create a new lot without the 200 feet of required road frontage. Access would be off Rte 1 by an easement through another lot.

Jennifer Bungay

Town of Westerlo

Zoning Board Clerk

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***Update 5/25***: At this time the Town has determined that there was no unauthorized access to the water supply. The advisory to not drink water has been lifted

Please be assured that your safety is our #1 concern.

Any further updates will be posted on the Town’s Facebook page, Town of Westerlo Government News, as well as on the website.